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To enhance the well-being of America's veterans, their families, our military, and our communities by our devotion to mutual helpfulness. The American Legion's vision statement is "The American Legion: Veterans Strengthening America.”


The American Legion's value principles are as follows:


A VETERAN IS A VETERAN - which means The American Legion embraces all current and former members of the military and endeavors to help them transition into their communities.


SELFLESS SERVICE - which means The American Legion celebrates all who contribute to something larger than themselves and inspires others to serve and strengthen America.


AMERICAN VALUES AND PATRIOTISM - which means The American Legion advocates for upholding and defending the United States Constitution, equal justice and opportunity for everyone and discrimination against no one, youth education, responsible citizenship and honoring military service by observing and participating in memorial events.


FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - which means The American Legion meets the unique needs of local communities.


ADVANCING THE VISION - which means The American Legion educates, mentors and leads new generations of Americans.


HONOR THOSE WHO CAME BEFORE US - which means The American Legion pays perpetual respect for all past military sacrifices to ensure they are never forgotten by new generations.


The American Legion's motto is "Veterans Strengthening America."

Post #163 Officers

Commander: Joe Wiezorek
1st Vice Commander: Geoffery Florom
2nd Vice Commander: John Miles

Finance Officer: Rich Morrell
Historian: Dennis Lombardi
Chaplain: Scott Bell
Sargent-at-Arms: Bob Cross
2nd Sargent-at-Arms: Jason Bayne
Adjutant: Paul Cooper
Post Service Officer: Thomas Gann

Finance, House, Membership, Kitchen

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Paul Rolfe Halligan



Born in Ogallala, Nebraska. In North Platte, he was usually called "Rolfe" and in court, he was referred to as "PR." Rolfe graduated from North Platte High School in 1906. Graduated from the University of Nebraska with his law degree in 1912. After he passed the bar examination, he practiced law in North Platte, Nebraska. In July 1916, Paul served in Company E of the Fifth Nebraska National Guard Infantry, and he was elected Captain of the company. The company served on the Mexican border from 1916 through January 1917. 


In 1917, he married Kathleen Doyle in Lincoln, and they had one daughter, Nancy Jane Halligan. Rolfe then served in World War I. After the war, he returned to practicing law in Lincoln, where he formed a partnership with his father-in-law. In July 1923,


Rolfe's health began to fail, and he went to California to regain his health. He died unexpectedly from a heart attack at the age of 35. At the time of his death, he was a Major of the 134th Infantry.


Obituary of Paul Rolfe Halligan, The Lincoln Star, Lincoln, Nebraska, August 4, 1923
Major Paul R. Halligan, a well-known Lincoln attorney and veteran of the World War, died Friday afternoon at the St. Joseph hospital in San Diego, California, according to word received Friday night. Mr. Halligan has been a member of the law firm of Doyle and Halligan, T.J. Doyle, Mr. Halligan's father-in-law, and senior member of the firm died last spring. Mr. Halligan left for California only a month ago in the hope of regaining his health and had intended to organize another firm on his return to Lincoln.
His wife and three-year-old daughter, Nancy, were at the home of his father, John Halligan, in North Platte at the time of his death. His condition was not considered dangerous by physicians when he left Lincoln, and his death came as a distinct shock to his many Lincoln friends and relatives.


Mr. Halligan had spent five years serving his country in the Mexican disturbance and the world war. When the trouble with Mexico arose, Mr. Halligan organized a company at North Platte and went to the Mexican border. Mr. Halligan resigned as commander of the local post of the veterans of foreign wars on the first of July when he left for California. At the time of his death, he was a major in the second battalion of the National Guard. While on the Mexican border, he was elected county attorney of Lincoln County and filled that office for a short time after his return to North Platte. While in high school at North Platte, he captained the North Platte football team. When he entered the state university in 1905, he did not take up athletics because of an "athletic heart," but he was prominent in all other activities. He was a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity and received his degree from the law college in 1909.


It was immediately after his return from the Mexican border that he was married to Miss Kathleen Doyle of Lincoln. The wedding was one of the leading social events of the year. Shortly after the marriage, he began law practice with his father-in-law. The body will be taken to his old home at North Platte for funeral services and interment.

Historical Documents of P.R. Halligan Post #163

Original Charter 1920
Supplemental Charter 1943 (front)
Supplemental Charter 1943 (back)

Four Pillars of the American Legion

The Four Pillars of The American Legion have remained unchanged since our founding in 1919.

The American Legion was founded on four pillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth. Each of these pillars encompasses a variety of programs that benefit our nation's veterans, its service members, their families, the youth of America, and ordinary citizens.


The American Legion’s national security positions and programs are contained in this pillar. The American Legion is a prominent voice of support for U.S. military personnel and reserve components, particularly in the area of quality of life, and benefits. Within this pillar are:

  • Troop support

  • Family Support Network for military and veteran families during deployment

  • Temporary Financial Assistance for military and veteran families with minor children at home

  • Immigration and naturalization

  • Adoption of military units and installations

  • Security at military funerals

  • Advocacy on behalf of U.S. military retirees using TRICARE

  • Support for the U.S. State Department and global diplomacy

  • POW/MIA accounting operations and commands

  • Advocacy for women veterans and military personnel

  • Foreign affairs


Children & Youth:

The American Legion’s portfolio of youth programs has influenced millions of people over the years. Programs include competitive activities, college scholarships, educational contests, citizenship programs, support for children in need and many local activities and programs. This pillar includes:

  • American Legion Baseball

  • Youth scholarships

  • American Legion Junior Shooting Sports

  • Oratorical Contests and scholarships

  • Boys State and Boys Nation

  • Child Welfare Foundation, Inc.

  • Holiday events for children

  • Flag education programs

  • Sponsorship of Boy Scout units

  • Veterans in the Classroom guest speaking

  • Junior Law Cadet Enforcement program

  • Support and sponsorship of Junior ROTC

  • Many community-based youth programs

  • Support for our children in the classroom



The American Legion is, at heart, a patriotic organization and the nation’s leading authority on U.S. flag education, respect, and etiquette. The American Legion promotes good citizenship, respectful expression of the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance, and marches in patriotic parades and activities. Included in this pillar are:

  • Respect for the U.S. flag

  • Appropriate attention during the National Anthem

  • Support for the Pledge of Allegiance to open public and school gatherings and events

  • Respect for law and order

  • Support for the U.S. Constitution

  • Patriotic community activities and involvement in special events



The American Legion’s national security positions and programs are contained in this pillar. The American Legion is a prominent voice of support for U.S. military personnel and reserve components, particularly in the area of, quality of life, and benefits. Within this pillar are:

  • Troop support

  • Family Support Network for military and veteran families during deployment

  • Temporary Financial Assistance for military and veteran families with minor children at home

  • Immigration and naturalization

  • Adoption of military units and installations

  • Security at military funerals

  • Advocacy on behalf of U.S. military retirees using TRICARE

  • Support for the U.S. State Department and global diplomacy

  • POW/MIA accounting operations and commands

  • Foreign affairs

Training Course

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The American Legion Education Institute (ALEI) online training course

The American Legion's official training program for officers, members, Legion College applicants and those who simply want to expand their knowledge of the nation's largest veterans service organization is now available online.

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